Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Annual Meeting

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to announce that ARTS annual meeting to elect officers is scheduled for Monday Nov. 9th at 6pm at Calvary Church in Ripley (beside of the Courthouse). Starting at 6pm we will have refreshments and doing a meet and greet. At 6:30pm we will look at the programs we have done in 2009, programs for 2010 and then elect officers.

This is always a great time for everyone to come together and I encourage everyone to attend and if you know someone else that is interested in the arts please invite them to come. Be sure to meantion there is FREE FOOD!!!

Hope to see you on Monday.

Jeremiah Gregorich
ARTS President

Colleen Anderson

Last night Colleen Anderson returned to the Alpine with George Castelle. This event was made possible with a partnership with Jackson County Schools and a grant from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts. Everyone that attended the event had a fantastic time and a number of people picked up Colleen's cds. Jackson County Schools has Colleen as there Artist in Residence this year, spending a total of 19 days with students all over Jackson County. We were delighted to have Colleen back in Jackson County and hope to see her again soon.

You can learn more about Colleen at her website